
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

How to List blogger posts by date

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 Searching on the dashboard has actually been improved over the old version which simply did not work very well.


The new version will now allow you to search on many things such as Title, Author, Label, Body/Content, as well as changing the sort order.


This help article has all the search operators


Some typical Searches might be

label:"The Americans" title:"Review"

Eg This will find all posts with the Label "The Americans" that contains the word Review in the post title.

label:"Movies" index:200

Will find all Posts labeled Movies from 200 articles onwards. I.e ignore the first 200 articles.

label:"SpoilerTV Article" author:"Bradley Adams"

Will find all articles with the Label “SpoilerTV Article” which were created by Bradley Adams.

NOTE: Search is Case Sensitive. Eg this will work

label:"SpoilerTV Article" author:"Bradley Adams"    

This won’t

label:"SpoilerTV Article" author:"bradley adams"

You can also do date ranges


start_published_date:2019-04-16 end_published_date:2019-04-18

Will return all posts betwee these 2 dates.

To arrange your post by descending order, you can use 


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