
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

How do I become a blogger

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A friend had been recommending that I ought to begin contributing to a technical blog by putting up my experience into writing instead of blogging only on news, and I'd answer "I have nothing to say and i don't have best equipment to start, because I am not a good writer." This wasn't okay for me. 

What I implied was that I didn't feel sure, and I felt like the things I could compose had proactively been written by individuals with more grammar aptitude which will be preferred over mine.

I know that you may have same answer like me, it would appear fine! To become a blogger, you mustn't have a historic content or write a full novel. My writing abilities were fairly powerless when I began writing news and articles (part of the explanation that made me decided to concentrate on video content because am afraid of writing jargons for people to read) however my abilities are improved with time after reading some recommended books on how to become an effective communicator and writer.

Here are few advantages that I have gained as a blogger:

  1. It serves me as resume, just better. I am aware of couple of individuals who have read my article and it lead to proposing for employment!
  2. It  assists me with learning. Sorting out information that assists me with blending my own thoughts. One of the trial of whether I comprehend something is whether I can make sense of it for another person. A blog entry is an incredible method for doing that.
  3. I've gotten solicitations to meetings and solicitations to talk to people. My first experience is speaking to class of 2012. I was welcome to the 300 Level Students of Computer Science at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka (which was wonderful!) teaching them how to become a blogger and start earning as a student.
  4. I always meet new individuals. I've met a lots of people as a blogger both within and outside the country.
  5. It saves time. Any time I go for an events, I ought to transform what I see into a blog entry, which makes it more straightforward for me to share what the hangout looks like.
  6. It helps me to take control of my content without loosing it to third-party companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Note: You don't full control of your content if you are using free hosting server but you can start with Blogspot or Wordpress for free and migrate later in future.
  7. The most interesting part is that I equally make money from blogging when I monetized my blog.

Here are a few additional tips to assist you with beginning your most memorable post as a blogger:

  • Go to searching engines and make a rundown of connections to other blog entries, articles, or studies that you like, and compose brief outlines or feature what you especially like about them. A piece of my most memorable blog entry came from my making simply such a rundown, since I was unable to accept more individuals hadn't perused the posts and articles that I believed were great. 
  • Sum up what you realized at a meeting you joined in, or in a class you are taking.
  • Any email you've composed two times ought to be a blog entry. Presently, assuming that I'm posed an inquiry that I think another person would likewise be keen on, I attempt to review it.
  • Try not to be a fussbudget. I burned through 9 months on my most memorable blog entry, it circulated around the web, and I have over and again hit new lows in readership from that point forward. 
  • You are best situated to assist with peopling one stage behind you. The material is still new in your brain. Numerous specialists have failed to remember what it resembled to be a novice (or a moderate) and have failed to remember why the subject is difficult to comprehend when you initially hear it. The setting of your specific foundation, your specific style, and your insight level will give an alternate wind to what you're expounding on.

So you need to make your own blog? 

Marvelous! I want to assist you with getting on the web and make your own little corner of the web.

Prior to getting everything rolling, the main thing you really want to choose is which contributing to a blog website to utilize. I make topics for two different writing for a blog destinations:

1. WordPress.org

2. Blogger.com

I've thought about the two writing for a blog stages underneath with the goal that you can conclude which is best for you.


WordPress is the world driving site/publishing content to a blog webpage, presently fueling 33% of all sites (as of April 2019). There are various forms of WordPress accessible, yet on the off chance that you might want to utilize our subjects and adapt your blog, you would have to utilize the full rendition (WordPress.org).


Utilize any of the a huge number of free modules from www.wordpress.org/modules.

Vastly adaptable.

My WordPress topics generally accompany various format choices and heaps of custom gadgets pre-introduced.

Incredible Web optimization choices.


WordPress isn't allowed to utilize and requires a facilitating administration.

Has anyone earned anything with a free Blogger (Blogspot) or WordPress blog? If yes, how much is practically possible to earn?

Yes of course I have earned from blogspot before purchase a custom domain. I won’t sharing my earning on this platform but the trust is that it will takes time for you to get approval from ads monetization companies if you are using a free domain. Earning from a blog is totally depends on how much effort you put in if you are going into blogging just to earn money. You can earn quite a handsome amount from your blogger or WordPress blog.

Most of my earning comes form Affiliates and Google Adsense. I also use Infolinks on one of my blogs. But I personally think you should focus more on your content quality and the niche you are working on. The money will follow automatically if you make writing your passion not just for generating money. 

Blogspot aka Blogger is Google’s free blogging platform that allows you to create a blog from a template and/or custom code. It is more limited than WordPress since you can only use a smaller number of templates, pure code, or widgets instead of nearly endless WP templates and plugins. It is usually free or low cost though compared to custom WordPress sites and hosting fees. And since it’s Google you know it will at least be decent for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Quick Tip: Quality content and Keywords research are the main factors to get more traffic because More Traffic = More Income.

Keep Learning!!!


Affiliate Disclaimer: I sometimes insert third-party link of products and services to help cover the costs of running this website. I only recommend products that I have used and think are worth given a try. Your free will ❤ Donation will be appreciate 😍

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Disclaimer: The materials on this website is given for general information only and does not guarantee 100% solution. I accepts no responsibility for loss or no liability occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of material contained in this website.

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